It is added to inhibited hydrochloric acid to form mud-acid. Mud-acid dissolves siliceous material (mud, clays, silt) as well as carbonate material.
Some of the uses of mud-acid are: - for matrix acidizing of sandstone formations,- ahead of a cement squeeze, to loosen stuck drill pipe, as a spearhead for fracturing treatments.
In the presence of both siliceous and carbonate materials, mud acid will dissolve all the carbonate material first. If any unspent HF is left, it will then dissolve siliceous material. For this reason, the use of a wash acid of 15% HCl ahead of the mud acid is recommended. This will dissolve all the carbonate material leaving the siliceous material to be dissolved by the mud acid.
ABF is added directly to inhibited HCl of the proper concentration. Mixing instructions for two strengths of mud acid (12% HCl/3% HF and 12% HCl/6% HF) are as follows:
1. Put required amount of water in tank;
2. Add proper amounts of Corrosion inhibitors and other Acid additives;
3. Mix thoroughly;
4. Add concentrated HCl.
a) to make 15% HCl for 12% HCl/3% HF.
b) to make 18% HCl for 12% HCl/6% HF.
5. Mix thoroughly;
6. Add ABF to acid mixture.
a) 400 lb/1000 gal 15% HCl for 12% HCl/3% HF.
b) 800 lb/1000 gal 18% HCl for 12% HCl/6% HF.
7. Mix thoroughly until all ABF is dissolved.
Note: ABF will cool water as it dissolves. It may be necessary to use warm water in mixing or apply heat to the mud-acid to dissolve the product completely.
Description : Ammonium Bifluoride
Appearance : Translucent, white flakes
Bulk Density : 0.7
Melting Point : 126.2° C
Boiling Point : 239.5° C
Solubility : at 20° C, in water 60 g/100 ml
It is slightly hygroscopic.
Material is packed in 25/50 kg sacks.